Where Are We Going With Video

Technology moves faster than an overzealous dog who tried to bully a cat. Every camera used in any video production company is obsolete. New cameras come out on a daily basis; the latest better than the last…sometimes. So, what does this say about the future of video production? We’ll examine that and more in this post.

View into the Past

Yesterday, video production companies were nothing more than equipment technicians. The camera operators knew how to manipulate the cameras to get the shots and the editors knew how to piece the clips together.

It was much like a news crew investigating a story. The crew would show up, shoot and hope for the best. As a matter of fact, many video production companies today are previous camera operators on a news crew. This is how the corporate video production industry got its start, but is it enough? The answer is a resounding NO.

Change is Needed for Success

Gone are the days of run and gun, point and shoot, and hope everything turns out ok in the editing bay. Successful video production companies are no longer just equipment technicians. Successful production crews are salespeople, marketing consultants, and psychologists, using the video production industry as a tool to get results.

The stakes are high, economically speaking. Precision is paramount in the marketing and advertising game. The less guesswork that can be taken out of the equation, the better. When using video as a tool, the basis for that use should be from a scientific basis. Everything that happens within a video clip or a feature film should drive the viewer to some sort of thought process or emotional evocation. For this reason, video production companies must continually study the science of the mind and emotions to bring about that change in the viewer.

Tips for Success

Multicolored goldfish on black background.Video production is still very much an extremely powerful medium. Every major brand on the planet uses video to help boost the bottom line, but they use it the correct way. Without the utilization of the science behind videos, you really are wasting your time, your money and possibly your job…if you are the decision maker. Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your current video production projects:

Keep your videos short and use proven psychological cues to keep the interest of the viewer. The average person has a very short attention span. As a matter of fact, a goldfish has more of an attention span than human beings. So, what is the attention span of humans? 8 seconds. 8 SECONDS!

Know your audience very well. People have different ways of interacting with the world. Many personality tests are available to help break down the personality types of the population. We are masters of this science and often play the “what type is he/she” while at lunch. While each of these tests are effective, we use the DISC personality profile system. Download an overview of the DISC System.