Award-Winning Video Production Editor: Beth Davis

Beth Davis headshot, the award winning editor in NC.

MOTTO: Sky above me, Earth below me, Fire within me

Storytelling is my Jam

Born in the small town of Mt. Holly, North Carolina, I’ve always been an avid reader and would notice if a page would be skipped, or a word was changed in my bedtime stories. As a teenager, I would read six to seven books per month. My parents would make us go outside to play and I would grab a book and sit under a tree. Growing up with with two brothers and born as the middle sibling, I became the shy, supportive family member and the one would notice every detail about my family dynamics-which would later prove beneficial in my professional life. More on that later.

Reading has also provided me with knowledge about a variety of topics and increased my understanding of the world around. I learned about different cultures, different ways of life, and different ways of thinking. This has enabled me to look at things from different perspectives and develop a deeper understanding of the world and its people, even those books in my mom’s bedside table.

Finally, reading taught me to be resilient in the face of adversity. Whenever I’m faced with a difficult situation or problem, I look to past readings for inspiration and guidance. I take comfort in knowing that no matter what I face in life, there are stories that offer insight and a different way of problem-solving. I believe that reading has empowered me to become the person i am  today and continues to be a source of strength and resilience.

It's What I Do

I can spin a tale that makes your buyer the HERO of the story. It keeps your viewers watching.


Sometimes a video needs to moving parts to illustrate the point. I create custom motion graphics for videos to enhance interest.


Script writing is key to flesh out a good concept. Writing scripts for actors or voice over talent is very different than writing scripts for brochures. I make sure that your idea is written to be compelling and understood without being too stuffy and formal.


With most projects, I come along on set so that I can see everything we're filming and offer any input on segments that I feel might be missing something when I'm editing later. I also enjoy asking a few additional questions during interviews to bridge the story.

Fueled by Passion

My journey as an award-winning video production editor began in 2007 when I first started to tell stories through the editing process. At the time, I had no experience with any of the popular editing software such as Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or DaVinci Resolve. However, I was eager to learn and quickly picked up the basics of most of the prosumer editing suites.

I started by piecing together simple video projects for the surviving family members of Hospice Patients, using basic transitions and text overlays. From there, I slowly worked my way up to more complex projects such as music videos and small narrative films. With each project, I honed my skills and improved my knowledge of the editing software. I eventually became proficient with most software packages.

Over the years, I’ve been able to work with all sorts of editors from different genres of video production. It was my transition into feature films that really allowed me to put my skills to the test. With this transition came a whole new set of editing programs, such as Autodesk Smoke and Flame, which allowed me to create stunning visuals for worldwide clients. I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished and thankful for the opportunity to continue telling stories through the editing process.

Funny You Should Ask


My original college major was Architecture because I wanted to be creative, and was told I couldn’t make a living with art. After realizing it really wasn’t what I thought it was, I changed to Business. But it wasn’t until I discovered video editing that I realize where I was supposed to be.


The creative process for me can sometimes start at the shoot or before while I’m writing a script, but sometimes it doesn’t hit me until I’m sitting in the video editing bay.

Little Known Facts

There’s only one book that I have ever thought was better than the movie – Stir of Echoes.
I can make my own bread, face cream, clothing, buttermilk, bug spray, etc.
I have seen Pulp Fiction about 200 times.

Favorite Movie Quotes

“If you don’t have anything nice to say, come sit by me.” – Steele Magnolias

“If I can’t gut out this house and make it my own, I will go insane and I will take you with me.” – Beetlejuice


The book that really started my true passion for reading was James and the Giant Peach. But some of my favorites are Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier, Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell and I have to say that Jodi Picoult’s books really open my eyes almost every time I read them.


There are a few things that I contribute my time and talents for. One is, sewing bereavement gowns for infants who are stillborn or die early using donated wedding dresses. The logic is that that dress was worn on a day full of love all around, what better fabric to use to put a loved infant to rest in?

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