Video Production Director: Randy Davis

Photo of Randy Davis-published and award-winning photographer and videographer

MOTTO: Improvise, Adapt, Adjust, and Overcome

Who Am I?

I grew up in Gastonia and had the best childhood. My family was creative, fun, and very loving. Our favorite pastime was watching movies. I believe that my childhood memory is a strong drive for me to do what I do today.

My father was a creative genius. Looking back, he was the first video production Director that I knew. He was shooting stop-motion scenes with his 8mm film camera before it was popular. He, along with my Uncle Joe sparked my creative flame that would take me where I am today.

To me, life is about experience and doing what makes you happy. This is the reason why Episode 11 Production exists. I truly love creating visual stories for companies. I welcome challenges and being put into situations where I have to McGyver, or R. Lee Ermey my way out of seemingly impossible obstacles.

Just for fun, I went back to school to obtain my Commercial Contractor’s License, so not only can I shoot your high-energy video, but I can build your office as well.

It's What I Do


I'm a big picture guy and have an innate ability to construct stories that emotionally relates to audiences. Most companies need a team to come up with ideas; I just need a few minutes.


Today's audience has a short attention span and sophisticated expectations. This drives me to continually improve my skill set. I remain innovative through a constant study of my favorite Hollywood Directors.


The result is endless from a cinematographer's viewpoint. The image captured is a direct result of the type of camera used, lens selection, depth of field, focus, exposure, camera movement, lighting, and light modification. A change in any of these elements will change the result of the footage.


Flying a drone is easy…after you’ve crashed four times. I’ve logged a few hundred hours of flight time and I learn something new each time I launch. Drone footage is not going away and having smooth, steady overhead footage is stunning. I've also learned NOT to fly even close to a construction crane.

It’s a Passion

Photo of Ruby Cotter Thompson Queen.Later in her life, my dear grandmother’s memory began to fail. I was single and decided to move in to help her. We had the best time together and, although she isn’t with us any longer, those memories are still just as vivid. I would get home around 6:00 pm and she would always have dinner cooking. We would eat and then watch Tim Allen’s Home Improvement. It was our special tradition. My favorite episode of the show was Episode 11.

In 2005, I decided to pursue what I loved-shooting videos. I had no idea what I was doing. Although I had been a part-time professional photographer since I was 22, the video world was quite different. I did what my father taught me to do as a child-I began self-study and taught myself. You’ll come to find that I don’t give up…ever. I stuck with it, took a job, and began to shoot videos for the buyers of big box stores like Walmart.

In 2007, I pulled the trigger, created an LLC, and never looked back. Within six months of being in business, I was shooting The Extreme Home Makeover for abc. Since that time, I’ve shot numerous TV shows, and countless corporate videos, and have now developed into the video production Director that I am today.

If there is one piece of advice I can give to you… find your purpose and find your passion. Life isn’t just about making money, it’s about accomplishing things that truly mean something to you.

Funny You Should Ask


Just like the famous Director Quentin Tarantino, I’m self-taught. I began with photography in the ’90s. After shooting 330+ weddings, and a greying head of hair, enough was enough. I made the transition into videography and began to shoot videos for the buyers of big-box stores, grocers, and drugstores.

From there, Episode 11 Productions was created and since that time, I’ve shot for MTV, five episodes of Intervention for A&E, It Takes a Church, and countless corporate videos, ranging from advertising clips to safety videos. 


My father has always been my inspiration for creative expression. I grew up seeing this 6’2″ ex-Marine begin to soften as he would film with his 16mm camera, paint landscapes on canvas, carve intricate wooden figurines, and even tailor my sister’s wedding dress.

My Uncle Joe was my inspiration for photography. We would look through photos he had taken and he would direct me to notice certain elements in the image. He was the teacher who introduced me to see the world with fresh eyes.

Little Known Facts

I was in the Air Force and lived in a co-ed dorm. I forgot my laundry on a Saturday evening. When I realized on Sunday morning that I have forgotten to move from the washer to the dryer, I quickly ran to the laundry room. My laundry was washed, dried, and nicely folded. For the next four years, I dropped my laundry off on Saturday and picked it up completely laundered on Sunday. (Ok, as an adult, I’m not proud)

I like to put grape juice on my ice cream, thanks to Uncle Joe.

My mother lived a fascinating life and I vow to produce a feature-length film about her story.

Favorite Movie Quotes

Heartbreak Ridge: Gunny Highway, “Improvise, adapt, and overcome”.

Return of the Living Dead, Part II: Zombie, “get that damn screwdriver out of my head”.

Home Improvement: Tim Allen, “You know what this needs? More Power!”.

History of the World Part I: Mel Brooks, “It’s good to be the king”.

Home Improvement: Tim Allen, “There’s two different types of pain. Pain and man pain”.


I’m a self-proclaimed cinema-holic. Everything about movies fascinates me. There are so many moving pieces and when it all comes together perfectly: it’s a masterpiece. One masterpiece is Stanley Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket. This film along with many others has not only entertained me over the years, it’s also educated me and given me ideas about camera movements and camera angles.

I’m one of the only people-(male in his 50’s)-who can watch a blistering action film and a child’s 3D animated film: back-to-back. All movies have something to offer and I’m always up for a cup of coffee and a discussion at Chotchkie’s, or Flingers, either one is fine.


A man once said: “What we have done for ourselves alone, dies with us. What we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal”. I have a soft spot for kids; I always have. I currently volunteer my time, talents, and skills to my favorite charity-Camp Luck. Camp Luck is a heart camp for kids and the work that’s being accomplished is valued so much by those kids.

Another area of helping kids is a new concept birthed by Mike Realon at Olympic High School. The vision is a website called: Career-Snapshots. The vision is to connect high school kids with employers in the area who have openings and apprenticeships. It’s an ongoing project and I’m happy to contribute a small part of the overall efforts.

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